Initiation into Kriya Yoga by Gurudev is the primary objective of the organization. The scientific techniques of Kriya gives simultaneous development of body, mind and soul. Under the perfect supervision of Gurudev, the spiritual advancement of the committed practitioner is accelerated, as well as the overall well-being and the socio-economic status of the practitioner is greatly enhanced. It is the fastest route towards Self-realization. Anyone, even from other spiritual background, is eligible for Kriya initiation and can reap the immense benefits of their practice.

Devotees who cannot be initiated into Kriya due to various physical illnesses are often taught Mahamudra and Pranayama by Gurudev as a yogic therapy to overcome their present situation so that they become eligible for further Kriya initiation. A set of Energization Exercises are also taught to them (and to others in general) that nurture and nourish every cell to keep the body vitalized and healthy and help to retain the flexibility of the tissues and muscles.

Kriya Yoga meditation helps to build a community of responsible, sensible and matured people who become an asset for the overall development of the nation, and become the foundation of future generation. From different corners of the world, people come down to learn the technique from Gurudev for solace and peace of mind and spiritual advancement. Kriya Yoga Mission is also committed to spread the awareness of blood donation as one of the noblest act. Many patients are provided with blood, including the rarest blood group ‘O – ‘, through devotees and disciples at the lowest possible cost.

The organization also urges to protect and feed all the stray animals – street dogs, cats etc. in its vicinity. Care is also taken for their overall well-being and proper treatment is arranged if they fall sick or meet with an accident. Protest is done against any kind of cruelty or inclemency inflicted upon these poor and innocent animals based on the written permission duly passed by the local Police officials in favour of Kriya Yoga Mission.

Every year Gurudev along with Guruma visit the orphanage in Puri to assist the underprivileged children with the supply of food items, clothing and other necessary aspects of the daily life. He also actively donates to several Ashrams for the overall well-being of the inhabitants and for their maintenance purpose. Along with this, every year Gurudev visits the biggest and famous pilgrimage at Gangasagar and personally meets the Saints and pilgrims there to contribute as per capacity.

Gurudev also performs other charitable activities like providing free medicines, bearing the educational expenditure of the indigent, distributing free text-books among the deprived etc. He also donates towards various government relief funds. Every year Gurudev arranges for Bhandara (act of poor-feeding) on several occasions of the year by the fund raised through the organization. Here the impoverished are fed with sheer love in mass free of cost, without any discrimination of caste and religion